Oh So Formal

BEFORE I START, I just wanted to say that I now have a cool thing on my blog that will let you translate what I write into ANY language. So if you speak Russian, Hebrew or any other language and reading my blog, if you'd like to ready it in your language just look at
<---------- This  part of the blog and change it to any language you want! Now if that change doesn't make any sense, I am not responsible :)
and if you guys don't know you can also find me on Instagram by searching

So this is what I wanted to start with.
Ok so I know I don't update here so often but as soon as school's out be sure to see me often :)
Here are some stuff i've been working on in my photography class, it's our portraits ( self portraits)

I don't know why but I look verty formal and not really like myself... hmm well anyway , have an amazing weekend! And i'll try and update more :D

This entry was posted on Friday, May 18, 2012 and is filed under ,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

7 Responses to “Oh So Formal”

  1. You look great! You are very unusual, I would love to meet you

  2. As beautiful as always. Just know that.

  3. You are so beautiful *-*
    What sort of music do you listen to?
    Have you got any pets?

  4. Анат ты очень - очень красивая!! Привет большой из Киева, Украины :)

  5. את מדהימה, אין לי מילים
