Winter Wonderland

The new year has begun, the snow has arrived and so is my want to stay home,drink tea and watch Breakfast at Tiffany's all day. I must say that I am looking forward to this year, I am motivated to get myself into routine with many things I wish to accomplish. One thing is for sure, you will be seeing more of me around here... and this is not an empty promise

Bag | Over the Rainbow /  Pants | American Apparel / Blouse | Talula / Boots | Jeffery Campbell 

This entry was posted on Friday, January 4, 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

14 Responses to “Winter Wonderland”

  1. С открытием блога!!!!! Очень стильный наряд! Дубленка - класс, тепленькая))))

  2. Awesome pictures, you're very photogenic ;)
    What camera do you use?

  3. Greetings from Ukraine)) Your blog is interesting! I would be glad if you look for me))

  4. Hey!)Amazing look!I like your style))I'l be happy if you look my blog)

  5. which styles do you prefer? Do you have fashion icon or someone whose style you like?
    What music do you like? Favourite films?
    I'm really sorry for so many questions. And also sorry for many mistakes 'cause English isn't my native language)
    Oh, by the way, you're awesome

    1. heyy :)
      - I don't prefer any style i go with what i like and what i feel i can rock
      - i do not have fashion icons, maybe more like important fashion people from the industry
      -i like a lot of different music i can't really pin point which one because different music fits at different times
      -umm i do not have favourite movies per say, i mean i like a lot of movies but nothing that i would be able to look up to and say it is the greatest thing in the world.

      thanks so much

    2. Oh, thank you for answering:)

  6. for my cirkle of friends your style is super modern!

  7. I like your style, I think it's really cool! Will be glad to see u in my blog :)

  8. What is your lipstick here? awesome color!
