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Food For Thought 01

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It's not usual or typical of me to express what I feel through words. I am the type of individual who keeps everything in, hardly ever sharing any insight. But there are too many things, and questions surfacing my mind right now that I would just like to put out there.

So to begin,

I do not believe money is the most important thing in this world.  Sure, it is easy to live better with a lot of money than with hardly any... But is it really worth it at the end? I came across people, even family members that believe that money should come first... and if you have a lot of money you achieved something... BUT what did you really ACHIEVE?

Now money is just a form of exchange for things you want and perhaps need, but my question is... HOW MUCH DO YOU REALLY NEED, OR HOW MUCH CAN YOU WANT? I don't get it when people want millions of dollars to just buy expensive things. Sure it could be nice, but is it really necessary ? People get so consumed with wanting to have A LOT of money than having health, happiness and good friendships in their lives. It is like people are willing to toss everything and anything in order to satisfy the crave of " I WANT" and "I NEED"\.
my typical look on this issue is as simple as :

Do you wanna have a miserable career/ job and get paid well
 Do you want a career / job that makes you happy every morning but may not pay as well

If you have not already guessed, I would go with the second option. Simply because I believe that if you do something you really love and enjoy, the reword will come on its own. The aspiration shouldn't be money. It should be the opportunity and knowledge you gain from your occupation.

It drives me crazy when people assume money will solve all of their problems. It is a ridiculous excuse to  feed your ego. This world has become so materialistic that we do not value the little things that truly mean everything in life.

Those are just some things that have been through my mind lately... Mainly due to this video ( that I probably watched about 1000 times )

What do you think?
