Dark Daisy

Shirt / Romwe | Shorts / AA | Bag / Romwe | Necklace / Romwe | Shoes / Jeffery Campbell 

I know i've been out for a few weeks, but I am here now... I am finally DONE High School and I thought I shall share with you my latest daily wear and that is everything black, but on top of the it has to include crop tops and high waisted pants... because you know it always works.
It is now officially summer and I cannot be happier, let's go crazy kids.

Listen to the Great Gatsby soundtrack


This entry was posted on Saturday, June 22, 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Dark Daisy”

  1. This combo is beautiful, Anat! You're so sublime!! :)
