Miami Vibes

| Shirt / Zara | Skirt / Urban Outfitters | Shoes / Birkenstocks | Bag / Over the Rainbow |        

I've never been to Miami before, but now I will never forget it. This city is unbeleviably beautiful and charming! Walking through the streets makes you feel like you are in a movie with some 70's vibes and modern twists. The music on the street, the smell of the beach and the wonderful palm trees just make me want to stay for a few more weeks. Today was the day me and my friend Sonya have arrived to the city. We had a long day but we used it to its fullest. we got to go to the beach and spend most of the day there and then we enjoyed the rest of what the city had to offer with endless interesting buildings and stores, I wish Toronto was as architecturally interesting as Miami. 

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 and is filed under ,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

One Response to “Miami Vibes ”

  1. do your feet get tired if you walk all day in birkenstocks?
