
Yes, this is Sonya from Classisinternal and she was one of my models for my final school photography project. Of course the project is much larger and there are more photos, but I just wanted to share with you guys my favourite few. I'd love to hear what you guys think about them. if you guys like my photos I would be more than happy to continue share them with you. Let me know what you think.

The Style Junkie 

This entry was posted on Thursday, January 24, 2013 and is filed under ,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

9 Responses to “Emotions”

  1. Great! Especially liked the first one. Nice to see "familiar" faces in your photos :))) Which theme of the project?

    1. Thank you! the theme of the project is emotions.

  2. соня очень красивая! и фотографии супер))

  3. класс! да, да хотим еще)

  4. I really enjoy them! It's very interesting to see the difference in Sonya from videos and on your photos!)

  5. Прекрасные фотографии , мне очень нравятся !)

  6. Privet Anat! Mne ochen interesno znatj, kak ty oformila etu rabotu. :) Ja ne znaju kak oformljat na angliskom. Voobwem, ty zdelala etu rabotu kak albom, ili otpravila fotki po e-mailu uchitelju? Mne prosto ochen interesno znatj, potomuchto ja sama delaju sechas project s fotografijami i ja eshjo ne uverena kak evo oformitj! Otvetj pozaluista, ty mne ochen pomozhesh. Mozhesh v pismo napsiatj. :)

    1. Hey Lizzi,
      I have to write this in english because i wouldn't be able to write it in Russian. so the way i handed in this work was by printing it and giving it to my teacher. but this is what my teacher wanted us to do. i am not sure what your teacher's requirements are. this was a school project from my school not a class outside of school.
      hope this helped

  7. Anat!!! I love you!!! You are wondeful!!
