Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
A little journey to Israel

Despite the political issues, I have been to one of the most remarkable countries on this planet and also my country, Israel. I have travelled from the north to the south and to the east and to the west. I have seen views that have changed my life, I have met people who influence my thoughts, and I have become a changed individual on many levels after this trip. Although my 10 day trip is up, I am still currently in the country for pure pleasure and entertainment and catch up with old friends. This visual diary is a small representation of my experience and the sights I have seen and was able to capture.
Old Hollywood
Coat / Choies | Lipstick / Stilla { Lover }
I have an obsession with red lips and furry coats, as you can see I'm fulfilling this little obsession.
There is something so strange with this combination, I'm not sure what it is... Maybe it's the fact that this look could be old Hollywood glam but at the same time it could be made grunge and trashy. It is all about how you would carry yourself in that look. I'd like to believe I can pull it off from the classy point of view, or maybe I am so totally wrong.
Thursday's Inspiration
“Someday, someone is going to look at you like you’re the best thing in the world.”
“Who sees the human face correctly: the photographer, the mirror, or the painter?”
— | Pablo Picasso |
“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”
It's been a while and I'm not gonna run you with excuses as to where I've been and what I've done because trust me it is nothing important. But, hey, look how cool I made this space! I am so happy with it, ya maybe I'll change something here and there but this is the new rad space i'll be sharing my stuff at. Also all my posts really revolve around style and cloth that I seem to have forgotten that I also stand for ART & CULTURE so from now on this space will be all that I stand for, and if I fail you , you may spam the hell out of me! I wanted to start with a little post of bits and dits of inspiration and thought provoking images to get the mind running and thinking... so what do ya think? I may make it a thing, it also gets my mind running putting this stuff together.
Yes, this is Sonya from Classisinternal and she was one of my models for my final school photography project. Of course the project is much larger and there are more photos, but I just wanted to share with you guys my favourite few. I'd love to hear what you guys think about them. if you guys like my photos I would be more than happy to continue share them with you. Let me know what you think.
The Style Junkie