
Shirts / Topshop | Shorts / AE | Necklace / Romwe | Boots / Docs | Belt / Aritzia

punk? grunge ? indie ? It is hard for me to really define my style. I've been through so many phases that I wanna brand my style as "Anat" because one thing will always stay the same and that is the BUN and the DOCS.  The more I look the more I realize that I have a tendency to go with the weirder less casual things, and honestly it feels great! This may not be a great example of something extreme, but I do enjoy the everlasting confused faces I get.  But again the more I try to define my style the more lost I get because it has influence and inspiration from everything I have ever laid my eyes on. So what would you say your style would be?

Today for example I paired my look with a plain red shirt, and a cool weird necklace to keep the pop. Along side a pair of high waisted shorts and of course the oh so cool Docs. Some times simplicity is complexity in disguise.


This entry was posted on Saturday, July 6, 2013 and is filed under ,,,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

4 Responses to “Urban”

  1. You are so beautiful and your style very interesting. I think, you cool blogger. ^__^

  2. Your style is Anat Style :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. ^Agreed! You have a really unique style and put together some interesting looks :)

