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Shirts / Topshop | Shorts / AE | Necklace / Romwe | Boots / Docs | Belt / Aritzia

punk? grunge ? indie ? It is hard for me to really define my style. I've been through so many phases that I wanna brand my style as "Anat" because one thing will always stay the same and that is the BUN and the DOCS.  The more I look the more I realize that I have a tendency to go with the weirder less casual things, and honestly it feels great! This may not be a great example of something extreme, but I do enjoy the everlasting confused faces I get.  But again the more I try to define my style the more lost I get because it has influence and inspiration from everything I have ever laid my eyes on. So what would you say your style would be?

Today for example I paired my look with a plain red shirt, and a cool weird necklace to keep the pop. Along side a pair of high waisted shorts and of course the oh so cool Docs. Some times simplicity is complexity in disguise.
